Annualized Adj. EBITDAre*
EPR Properties is able to make the ski experience more accessible by offering ski resorts with the convenience of proximity, as well as four-season resorts, transforming skiing and snowboarding from a once-a-winter event into a frequent choice.
EPR Properties finances regional ski resorts across the United States. Multi-resort season pass networks and advanced snowmaking have provided increased flexibility for consumers with season passes accounting for over 50% of skier visits.** Our properties offer a variety of terrains and vertical drops to provide entertainment and recreation during the winter when outdoor recreational opportunities can be scarce. Increasingly, summer has become important for the industry, as optimizing all four seasons provides advantages to ski operators ready to expand their business beyond winter.
Skiing is a timeless sport, yet not every skiing and snowboarding enthusiast has the time, money, or skill level to regularly make the long haul to distant mountain locales. We see an opportunity to make the ski experience more accessible by bringing the mountain to the skier with our regional locations. We also finance ski properties as they grow and change to meet the evolving desires of their devoted guests.
*See Supplemental Operating and Financial Data for definition and calculation of this non-GAAP measure. **NSAA Kottke Report 2023/2024